Our Story
My son, Edward, is a precious gift from God who has brought immense love and joy to my family and others. Our book, “Down Syndrome & The Power Of A Father’s Love”, is a testament to how God orchestrates events in our lives that can impact many people. We hope that our story will inspire you to see the beauty in every person and the transformative power of love in our lives and the world.
Edward II
I have such a great dad! He allowed me to help him write this book about how much he loves me. He shows his love for me every day. We have always done so many things together. I wish everyone had a dad like mine. The world will be so much better. Our book will show how important it is to love. Maybe after you read our book you will also have a better understanding about how to love and how to show love to one another.
Author, Educator, Business Owner, Husband, Christian... and Father